Managing your cash receipts has never been so efficient. Discover our intelligent safe system for your deposits: CompuSafe®.
I want to know more about this productProduct description
CompuSafe® is a solution for shops, from local shops to large-scale distribution. It is a secure and "intelligent" deposit box.
CompuSafe® meets the management needs of retailers and offers them concrete advantages:
- Security: your cash is inaccessible and covered by Brink's insurance.
- Simplicity: your cash flow is optimised, your deposits are monitored in real time and your account is credited regularly.
- Peace of mind: all your time is devoted to your activities.
Have peace of mind, we take care of everything!
Our experts will support you throughout your project:
- Financing of the solution adapted to your needs,
- 1 Stop Shop - complete solution offered by Brink's,
- Insurance of deposited funds,
- Time saving,
- Improvement of cash flow,
- Real time information feedback,
- Security of funds and staff,
- Detection of counterfeit notes,
- Reduction of stress linked to the management of funds.